11 classic red roses (50-60 cm). Arranged with ribbon. Without the vase. Red roses as anything else will express your feelings and your respect. The Rose-Queen of flowers, about it the set of legends has been combined. To it worshipped, it loved and sang from time immemorial. She played an outstanding role in the history of mankind that has remained in memory of uncountable generations. In India there was a law according to which, that who has brought a rose to the tsar could ask from it everything that will wish.
The special price! 15 roses of different color - a delightful gift.
11 Elite Red Roses with greenery.
11 white roses.
11 pink roses.
Allsorts from multi-colored roses.
Assorted 25 multi-colored roses with box of chocolates.
25 pink roses.
25 white roses.
25 yellow roses.